Getting divorced happily
Getting divorced happily, is that possible?
People say that a divorce causes suffering?
That is not always true.
You can get divorced happily!
Once you promised each another to be faithful to one other
and that you wanted to take care of each other.
That can be done in many ways, also seperately.
If there are children and if you want to take care of them,
you should do this faithfully as well.
Because of you too the child(ren) is(are) here, so you will guide
him or her until he or she can take good care of him- or herself.
That is possible if you make good arrangements.
Getting married was and is an action!
Why stay angry or stay at all, life is too short and too precious.
Grant yourself and each other respect and trust.
And if you prefer to experience this with a new partner or alone
it’s ok the way it is.
Don’t fight life but live your life!
Set an example for your child(ren)!
It demands work and it won’t always be easy. But…
go for a happy divorce!