For a long time I had been dreading the amount of clutter in the living room, both
commercial and private, that only seemed to be growing. And I had no idea where to begin.
It was too much and, as a matter of fact, I didn’t know how and where to store everything.
I needed help! Nonsense! You wouldn’t hire someone for that! Yes, you would! Once
I had made the appointment WithAnk, a burden fell off my shoulders. And at the same
time I was really dreading it. Tidying up is no hobby of mine and I’m not good at it either.
Together WithAnk, who suggested to take it easy on the eve and the night itself, subsequently
during an whole day and evening I made a good haul. She brought boxes and containers, and
yellow Post-it notes… how simple can it be ! And we went through all the piles, boxes, folders, etc. etc.
What can go, what do you want to keep and where, what can go to the thrift shop?
After a couple of hours I saw tremendous result. The room was getting emptier and emptier.
How wonderful it is to be tidying up like this!
Around 15.00hrs I was really fed up. Knackered, I was done. But that was not the plan!
Go on! And then it turned 17.00hrs, 18.00hrs and Ank said “Arrange something to eat,
then we can keep going”. Pfffff….sigh!
Around 20.00hrs Ank – tired, I presume – went home and I – at the end of my powers – was glad
I had nothing planned for that evening. Broken!
It was to rave reactions. A happy husband, who had never been bothered by the fact that
for the bigger part the room was filled with my stuff, but who was very happy with a tidy room.
My sister, who had never seen how big the room really was. It was a lot lighter now that there
was no more stuff in the window sill. The evening after the day WithAnk, my husband and I
were having dinner at the table… And I had peace of mind and room in my head. Very nice,
with my always busy work.
A couple of months have passed. And although I’ll always be untidy and now and then
the couch will be filled with stuff, tidying up is easier and quicker.
Now I’ll have to think whether I want to rearrange the room…
Thanks, Ank!